Monday, March 30, 2009

Main Street Arkansas Update - March 30, 2009

NEW - April 8 – next grant quarterly report due

National Volunteer Week is April 19-25. Tips on celebrating your volunteers here:

MAY 14-16 : ARKANSAS PRESERVATION CONFERENCE, EUREKA SPRINGS (next quarterly meeting – details to follow)

Main Street Arkansas Calendar March 30 – April 3, 2009
MONDAY Mark, ill; Susan, annual
TUESDAY Cary, Greg, Caroline, Susan – El Dorado; Mark – Paragould
WEDNESDAY Cary – speaking to the Arkansas Museums Association Conference
THURSDAY Susan, Searcy; Caroline – annual leave, pm
FRIDAY Caroline, annual leave; Mark, Searcy

State Preservation Tax Credit is now Act 498
State’s Cultural Venues Feeling the Pinch of Tight Budgets
Good DeWitt Press
Stimulus & Sprawl
The Closing of Local Bookstores & Effects on Towns
Arkansas’s Top 25 Destinations
Arkansas’s Top 25 Philanthropists
What Happens When Towns Lose Their Newspapers?
MS County & The Johnny Cash Highway
Grant Opportunity
Act 167
Act 262
National Main Streets Conference Eval & Handouts Links
Arkansas: High Magnet, Low Sticky
Non Profits Flooded with High-Level Volunteers, Thanks to the Economy

HB1953 Becomes Act 498 – This is the state historic preservation tax credit.

State’s Cultural Venues Feeling the Pinch of Tight Budgets

Good DeWitt Press

The Stimulus & the Unintended Sprawl its Creating
But to ensure that the money is spent quickly, the law leaves decisions of how to spend some $27.5 billion in transportation money up to the states — and quite a few are using their shares to build new and wider roads that will spur development away from their most populous centers.
The administration’s desire to change the way the country thinks about development, and to wean it from its dependency on foreign oil, is clashing with its need to spend stimulus money as fast as possible. And its call for creating or saving 3.5 million jobs is bumping up against its wish to curb sprawl, which eats up land but creates jobs in construction and strip malls and fast food restaurants that remain after the road builders have all gone away.

Local Bookstore Closes & the Town is Poorer For It

Arkansas’s Top 25 Destinations (according to Arkansas Business)
- quite a few Main Street & Network towns represented. Not sure I agree with the entire list, but it makes a good discussion point

Arkansas’s Top 25 Philanthropists
- Our non-profits should save this list & investigate to see where your mission lines up with their giving priorities

What Happens When A Town Loses Its Newspaper?,8599,1886826,00.html

Mississippi County to Consider Naming Highway After Johnny Cash

Grant Opportunity
National Endowment for the Humanities
Preservation Education and Training Grants

From Arkansas Coalition for Excellence
SB80 is now Act 167. With special thanks to Senator David Johnson who sponsored and championed the bill in the Senate and Representative Steve Harrelson who championed the bill in the House of Representatives. SB 80 authorizes the use of fax and email to document actions by members and directors, unless the bylaws prohibit that form of documentation. Nonprofits should consider amending their bylaws to make clear that the following actions can be documented electronically:
o Action of Directors by unanimous written consent without a meeting.
o Action of Members by written consent of 80%.
o Action of Members by written ballot.
o Voting of Members at a meeting by proxy.
SB254 is now Act 262. With special thanks to Sponsor Senator David Johnson and Co-sponsors Representative Steve Harrelson, Representative Jonathan Barnett, and Representative Donna Hutchinson. UPMIFA, the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (2006), UPMIFA (2006) provides uniform and fundamental rules for the investment of funds held by charitable institutions and the expenditure of funds donated as "endowments" to those institutions.
Handouts OnLine for National Main Streets Conference
Additional handouts have been uploaded. Just use your confirmation number and go get em! How nice was it to not unpack all that paper when you got home?

Don’t forget to fill out a conference eval
In order to continue to make the National Main Streets Conference a success, we rely on you, our attendees to give us valuable feedback on what worked during this conference. So please tell us! Fill out a conference evaluation and share with us your opinions and ideas, so we can continue to make this conference a successful and worthwhile experience each year.

Arkansas: High Magnet, Low Sticky
"Magnet" states are those in which a high share of the adults who live there now moved there from some other state.
"Sticky" states are those in which a high share of the adults who were born there live there now.1

Non Profits Flooded with High-Level, Formerly Employed Volunteers