Main Street Arkansas Calendar April 11 - 15 , 2011
MONDAY Mark – Rogers
TUESDAY Nancy & Susan – West Memphis (design committee training & site visits for CDBG project)
WEDNESDAY Cary – LR (Greening the Capitols); Mark & Susan – Monticello (merchant site visits)
THURSDAY Cary – Dardanelle (AR Downtown Network presentation); Susan – South Main (merchant site visits)
FRIDAY Cary – LR (Greening the Capitols)
Main Street Trends Survey
Main Street Blytheville Launches New Website
National Tourism Week May 7-15
2 Grant Opportunities
USDA Survey
Main Street Trends Survey
The annual Main Street Trends Survey is OPEN! Your information provides vital feedback to help us determine the "State of Main Street," and track revitalization patterns, identify trends, and promote your successes.
Please take the survey by COB Friday, April 18.
If you’d like to preview the survey before you start taking it, you can find the link on our conference website.
Main Street Blytheville Launches New Website
National Tourism Week May 7-15
Grant Opportunity
The Foundation’s grantmaking focuses on encouraging and facilitating the design, development, construction, and operation of high-quality, public skate parks in low-income areas. Grants are awarded to projects that are designed and built by qualified and experienced skate park contractors; include local skaters in the design process; are in low-income areas and/or areas with a population of at-risk youth. Other *** include demonstrating a strong grassroots commitment; have a creative mix of street obstacles and transition/vert terrain; do not require skaters or their parents to sign waivers; and encourage skaters to look after their own safety and the safety of others. The Foundation also seeks proposals that allow the skate parks to be open during daylight hours year round; don’t charge an entry fee; and are in areas that currently have no skateboarding facility. Additional information including an online grant application can be found on the Web site. | Grant Range: $1,000 To $25,000 | Contact Info: TONY HAWK FOUNDATION, 1611-A S. Melrose Drive, Suite 360, Vista, CA, 92081, Ph: 760-477-2479, Visit Website
Support for Community Improvement Programs
Home Depot Community Impact Grants Program
The Home Depot Community Impact Grants Program provides support to nonprofit organizations, public schools, and public service agencies in the U.S. that are using the power of volunteers to improve the physical health of their communities. Proposals for the following community improvement activities will be considered: repairs, refurbishments, and modifications to low-income and/or transitional housing or community facilities (schools, community centers, senior centers, etc.); weatherizing or increasing energy efficiency of low-income and/or transitional housing or community facilities; planting trees or community gardens and/or landscaping community facilities; and development of community parks or green spaces. Grants of up to $5,000 are made in the form of The Home Depot gift cards for the purchase of tools, materials, or services. Requests will be accepted from April 4 through October 31, 2011. Visit the Home Depot website to submit an online application.
US EDA Asks Your Opinion
The U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA), in collaboration with Portland State University, is creating a tool that will help practitioners and policy-makers better identify and describe the impacts of their economic development investments. This on-line tool may be used by a range of policymakers, investors, and economic development professionals at the local, regional, state, and national levels.
To ensure that this tool is relevant and user-friendly, economic development practitioners and policymakers from across the US are invited to share their input through a short survey. Your participation is strongly encouraged!
The survey is brief and should take about fifteen minutes to complete. The survey can be found at
and may be completed between March 31st, 2011 and April 26th, 2011.
You are eligible to complete this survey if you are 1) an economic development practitioner or policymaker 2) whose organization makes decisions about economic development priorities, investments, or activities and are 3) familiar with your organization's process for making investment priorities and decision.